Repository of Canadian Home Care Resources and Caregiver Support

The list below is sectioned by province, however many of the links are pertinent no matter where you live, please take advantage of what all our provinces have to offer.

Over Active Bladder (OAB) Test

Overactive bladder (OAB) is common among men and women as they age, and can affect up to 1 in 5 Canadians who are over 60. The symptoms may include urinary urgency, urinary incontinence, urinary frequency, and nocturia. Are you living with overactive bladder?

Take the test and discuss the results with your physician

Addressing Continence Care Training Needs in Long Term Care

The Canadian Continence Foundation Policy and Research paper published in 2017, led to ongoing successful partnerships. The paper: ‘Continence Training Needs Assessment of Residential Long-Term Care Personal Support Workers’ (English Only), identified key knowledge gaps in the provision of continence care in Long Term Care residences. Ongoing efforts have led to new partnerships and educational programs, we are proud to share that:

Essity, makers of the brand TENA®, and Conestoga College’s Schlegel Centre for Advancing Seniors Care have developed an online educational video and module for unregulated care providers (UCPs; i.e. personal support workers and nursing aides) working in nursing homes to support residents living with functional urinary incontinence.

The video promotes the application of evidence-based and person-centred continence care by introducing UCPs to incontinence and guiding them through best practices using a case study designed to focus on residents' needs.

The images below represent ‘Charlie’ a Long-Term Care resident living with functional urinary incontinence, summarizing application of the TENA® stretch brief in a standing position.

For more information and to access the educational video, click here:

Disclaimer: Choosing to access the video will require you to log-in providing Essity with additional information, which the Canadian Continence Foundation accept no accountability.